Home of Al-Faruk
Oasis of Columbus - Desert of Georgia
A.E.A.O.N.M.S., North and South America, Inc.
Al-Faruk Temple No. 145
Constituent Temple of the Imperial Council
Organized the 18th day of JUMADA I, Hegira 1364,
which corresponds to May 6, 1945
Chartered the 14th day of RAMADAN, Hegira 1364,
which corresponds to August 23, 1945
Al-Farooq (also spelled El-Farouk or Al-Farouk) is an Arabic given and family name derived from an honorific of Umar, an early Muslim leader, and by extension mean "The Chief" has arrived, it has become a common given or place name throughout the Muslim world.
Regular Meetings are every 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm
Divan Meetings are every 2nd Thursday @ 6:00pm
Youth Organization Meetings are every 3rd Saturday @ 10:00am
Luke 23:43
And Jesus said unto him, Verilly I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Surat Al-Ankabut 29:57
Every soul will taste death. Then to us will you be returned.
Every soul will taste death. Then to us will you be returned.
* * * Temple Mailing Address * * *
Al-Faruk Temple No. 145
815 Sixth Avenue, Columbus GA 31901-2825
* * * Payments Mailing Address * * *
Al-Faruk Temple No. 145
c/o HPP Rinza C Burton, Jr
2211 Egins Court, Columbus GA 31907-7623
* * * For Additional Payment Information contact THE Recorder * * *