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Court History

Court Nickname: Dazzling Daughters


Court Motto: “RUK RUK” Yeah!


Court History:

Al-Faruk Court No. 94 was Re-Chartered on the 30th day of Seb, Osiris 5505 which corresponds to the 24th day of November 1971 under Imperial Commandress, Daughter Gladys W. Dixon. Daughter Laney Weldon was appointed as the first Illustrious Commandress and Daughter Lucy Jackson, the only remaining member from the original Court, appointed as the Deputy for the Oasis. The original charter members of Al Faruk Court are as follows:

1.   Daughter Mittie P. Nesbitt*

2.   Daughter Laney Weldon*

3.   Daughter Marian Armstrong*

4.   Daughter Janie Johnson*

5.   Daughter Mary Dandy*

6.   Daughter Lucy Jackson*

7.   Daughter Willie Pearl Floyd*

8.   Daughter Manell Manuel*

9.   Daughter Dorothy McGee*

10.   Daughter Flozella Smith*

11.   Daughter Catherine Stover*


* Deceased

12.   Daughter Louvenia Hudson Robinson*

13.   Daughter Minnie King*

14.   Daughter Bessie Holloman*

15.   Daughter Jettie N. Lights

16.   Daughter Margret Miller*

17.   Daughter Laurie Kindred*

18.   Daughter Eufaula A. Green*

19.   Daughter Lillian Wilson*

20.   Daughter Lovie Mills*

21.   Daughter Georgia Lamb* 

Three Daughters were created after being Re-Chartered:

1.   Daughter Salemar Guiont*

2.   Daughter Louise Harris*

3.   Daughter Odessa Evans*


Al-Faruk Court has a long and rich history of being charitable and an active force locally, in the Desert of Georgia and throughout the Domain. The Daughters have participated in awareness events and donated financially to the National Diabetes Initiative, Sickle Cell, Urban League, Hagar Foundation, NAACP, United Negro College Fund and local voter registration drives.

Significant Events:


2001 -

Al-Faruk Court began its involvement with Damascus Way, a local homeless shelter, which provides addiction recovery and aftercare life skills training to women in need. We also donate living items to the shelter, annually. In 2017, we began taking Easter Baskets and toys to the children who resided in the shelter while permanent housing can be located.


The Delgado Riders, Imperial Equestrian Team, was created and four Daughters from Al-Faruk Court rode as members in the Imperial Parade:

Daughter Petrice McKey-Reese

Daughter Doris Davis-Begley

Daughter Sharon Lawson-Mathis

Daughter Patricia Morse-James


2003 -

Established its own Equestrian Team, and the team rode in the Imperial Parade during Imperial Session; winning Best Dressed during the Inspection.


2007 -

Due to small numbers, began participating in Joint Thanksgiving Services and Feast celebrations with Al-Rakim Court No. 31, Oasis of Albany. The Courts alternate every year, and the Courts host these special celebrations in their respective Oasis; a practice still in effect today.


2011 -

Commenced its participation with the Lupus Foundation. Realizing, there were Daughters and many family members suffering with the illness, they began attending annual walks in Atlanta, GA, and annually make monetary contributions to the Lupus Foundation.


2015 -

The Court initiated a Daughters Imperial Mentoring Excellence (D.I.M.E.) Program. However, it wasn’t until 2017 when it was launched with it’s initial partnership with Girl’s Inc. Daughters volunteered their time to serve as mentors to at risk girls.


2016 -

The Columbus Lupus Chapter hosted its first local walk. In true Al-Faruk form, the Court donated $500.00 and walked; bringing awareness to the disease.


The creation of the Court’s Military Daughters. The Military Daughters is comprised of active, retired, former members of the Armed Forces, as well as, Department of Defense employees and military family members. This group also partners with the Disabled American Veterans, laying flags on the graves of deceased veterans at the historic Porterdale Cemetery, and volunteered for National Veteran Appreciation Night at Golden Corral.


2017 -

Launched its partnership with the Plummer House, a homeless group home for Veterans. They forged a relationship with Ft Benning, GA, by supporting its annual “Clean the Hooch”, a real beautification project.


Hosted its first Citywide Health Fair. We partnered with Councilman Jerry "Pop" Barnes, Chattahoochee Valley Community College MAT, NAS and Nursing Program and the Black Nurses Association to host an event that focused on building healthy communities. There were classes on nutrition and wellness. Participants received screenings for diabetes, blood pressure and behavioral health wellness.


Officially, started participating in the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Fourth Masonic District's annual “Feed the 100” event. We also, donated over 40 gently used handbags filled with hygiene items to homeless women.


Hurricane season, we donate hygiene items and volunteered time to the Emergency Evacuee Shelter in Columbus, GA, servicing over 700 evacuees.


2018 -

Hosted the first Diabetes Walk in the city of Columbus, GA., partnering again, with Councilman Jerry "Pop" Barnes and the Chattahoochee College MAT, NAS and Nursing Program. We brought to the city a walk which was focused on bringing awareness to the debilitating disease. Preliminary screenings were made available to participants.


In October, the Court hosted its first Cancer awareness event, which focused on Breast Cancer affecting both men and women, as well as to celebrate the survivors.. The event focused on education and preventive measures. They invited one of the leading Chemotherapy Nurses from the John B. Amos Cancer Center to speak. They also made a monetary contribution to the Columbus Chapter of the American Cancer Society.


During the Court's 47 years of existence, we have kept the traditions and tenants of the Imperial Court, and the Daughters of Al-Faruk Court No. 94 will definitely continue in said traditions for many years to come.


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